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Nominations for candidates to PAMA Board of Directors 2024


PRESIDENT – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The president shall have the authority to call meetings of the Board of Directors whenever deemed necessary or when petitioned to do so as provided in the Bylaws. The President shall appoint all committees as provided in the Bylaws and/or deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Association. The President may be an ex officer member of all committees.

VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President shall preside at all meeting of the Board of Directors and the membership whenever the President is unable to preside and shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President of the Board of Directors.

TREASURES – The Treasures shall oversee the following: collection of all dues from Members and receipts of any kind, depositing said monies in an account located at a bank designated by the Board of Directors, and seeing that all outstanding obligations of the Association are paid as directed by the Board of Directors. The Treasure shall cause regular financial statements of the Association to be prepared and shall review such financial statements and present them to the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and members at periodic meeting of each. The Treasure shall serve TWO (2) year terms and the President and Vice President shall serve ONE (1) year terms. Terms shall run from calendar year to calendar year.

SECRETARY – The Secretary shall oversee the following: Recording all minutes of all meetings and shall answer all correspondence as directed by the Board of Directors and maintain a current membership roster of the membership of the Association.

MEMBERS AT LARGE – Directors who are members at large, shall hold office for a term of ONE years commencing on the FIRST (1st) day of January, the Association shall endeavor to stagger terms. Officers shall serve as Directors during their terms in office.

Only physicians members